Shift Work

Jet Fuel for High Performing Entrepreneurs


Manifestation vs Realization Vs “Reality”ization

Oprah Winfrey goes on record often about how she doesn’t need a Vision Board because she able to simply bring things into her mind and set them into motion. Maybe not so easy for those of us...

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Your 60+ hour weeks are keeping your business from growing


 There is a common misconception amongst entrepreneurs that working “Hard” will get you ahead. If that were the case, there would be lots of millionaire landscapers running...

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You are twice as smart as you think you are, and half as likely to become a millionaire


The entirety of your education leading up to this place in your life has been steering you AWAY from becoming a millionaire and TOWARDS a life of servitude.

Is it a matter of working hard enough to...

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10 Core Beliefs to Close 2020

Core Belief 1.

Changing perspective changes expectations 

Spoiler Alert: Very few things in life are “real”

Remember hearing there are only two guarantees in life? Death and...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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